Sunday 20 September 2020


Count your blessings.

What a cliché.

Yet so true.

Every moment is a wonderful gift.  No matter how uneventful or simple it is.  

Sometimes we forget that waking up each day is something we should be grateful for.

Sometimes we tend to focus on what's missing in our lives, instead of appreciating what we already have.

I'm guilty of this at times, especially when life isn't going my way.

But the moment I press the stop button in my head and start remembering my blessings, small and big, I feel happy.

Life's downs will always be around.  But I believe that gratitude is a great antidote to whatever negativity may surround us.  And it helps us to look at what's ahead with hope in our hearts.

A wise man once said that we should look at our glass as half-full, instead of seeing it as half-empty.

We are all blessed.

Even beyond blessed.  If only we would look deeper.

And be always grateful.

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