Monday, 18 April 2022

You Raise Me Up

Just a week to go and it’s Holy Week. It’s been almost a year now since an ordeal happened in my life. I remember how my days then were like Good Fridays and Black Saturdays. Difficult. Crucifying. And agonizing.

It was quite a trek. But God took my hand into His. And walked the rough road with me.

Step by step, I was able to keep moving. Oh so heavy the load was! God’s grace held me up in my every fall. His love was there to wipe my tears. His faithfulness strengthened my spirit.

It’s been almost a year now. My God and I have gone far through the road.

Though my journey is not finished yet, I know that just as He has told me, the day will come when my awesome, wonder-working God shall raise me up so I can walk on through the last blow of the storm.

That day when He shall raise me up so I can stand on the mountain at the end of my rugged road, experience my resurrection and see the shining of my Easter Sunday!

"In the shadow of my failing
There Your grace it covers me
God, You work in my beginnings, in endings, You’re moving
I know You can make a way

Even now when my hope is gone
Even now when there seems no way
Lord, I know You can do all things
You can roll the stone away
Raise me even on the fourth day" 

-(excerpt from the song “Even Now” by Feast Worship from the album “The Great Unknown”)

**(This reflection is an excerpt from PreciousBooks' book "Musings of a Sinner" by Glenda Cacho.  Books for a cause!  Available on Amazon & Blurb.)**

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Friday, 4 March 2022

Don't Give Up!

You can live out your dreams...

#preciousdoodlesbyg  #simpleinspirations  #thebestisyettocome

Saturday, 19 February 2022

Keep Shining! 

Never let failures steal your shine...

#preciousdoodlesbyg  #simpleinspirations

Thursday, 27 January 2022

Lessons from Heartaches…

Our brokenness is supposed to make us stronger and better persons!

We cannot stay in our comfort zone forever.

There’s always hope.  The sun rises anew every morning.

There are true friends who are willing to get drenched in the rain with us.

Just keep walking and never lose sight of our why.

Life doesn’t revolve around one person.  There are other people too.  And there is God.

We are precious and Loved unconditionally, completely, eternally no matter what ü.


*Lord, when life gives us lemons, help us make the best lemonade that could truly quench thirsty hearts. May we remember that everything happens for a reason and that we live for a purpose. May we choose to be joyful come what may.*

Monday, 3 January 2022

We All Have a Why

For sure.

Our family is why.  Helping others is why.  Love is why.  Health.  Your work.  Your garden.  Traveling.  Fun moments.  Friends.  Sharing your gifts.  Faith in our hearts.

Whatever makes us alive and happy.  Whatever puts a spring in your step every morning!

It's a new year, cheers to another lot of 365 days to live our why!


*Thank you, Lord, for seeing us through another year.  May we live our purpose as we journey each day of the new year.  Please never let us be separated from You for we would be lost without You.*

Sunday, 2 January 2022

That's Christmas To Me

Already more than a week after Christmas, but I'm still writing about 'the most wonderful time of the year'!  I'm still not over it.  I don't want to.  Not ever.

Because people are always in a festive mood.  With a twinkle in their eyes and happy faces.  People are more forgiving.  Kinder.  Nicer.

How I wish it's Christmas every day!

But more than the kindness and joyfulness, I wish we would remember the reason why we have Christmas.  Jesus was born into our world!

Jesus then should be Christmas' main symbol!  We should not leave Him in the manger but carry Him in our festivities and our hearts (not just at Christmastime, but every day).

So the next time we celebrate Christmas, we should not forget that it is Jesus' birthday that we are celebrating (that is why it is a joyous occasion and a great reason to feel loved and give love!).

And that everything else (putting up decorations, giving gifts, spending time with loved ones, partying, etc) is just secondary.

Well, that's Christmas to me ü.

(P.S.  The other day while driving through an intersection, I realized that the traffic lights, which we see every day, are green and red, Christmas colors! How nice!)